2021 Beloved Community Campaign Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
The Central Texas Collective for Racial Equity (CTCRE) is honored to adopt the regional vision to disrupt and dismantle institutional racism and pursue racial equity, healing and transformation in the Central Texas region. Formerly the Mayor’s Task Force on Institutional Racism & Systemic Inequities, the nonprofit association has been formed as one of the highest priorities of the task force to continue the decades long effort to reverse the tide of racial and systemic injustice across the region.
Austin continues to serve as highly ranked for jobs and small businesses.The Greater Austin metropolitan area has consistently been ranked one of the best places to live in the United States according to US News & World Report. Austin’s reputation for supporting and attracting the best talent and being an environment conducive to entrepreneurship and business likely contributed to heavyweight tech companies recently moving their headquarters to Austin. The violet crown city also has the reputation for being a tech city, pet- and recreation-friendly, place for veterans, and dating among others.
In contrast, Austin has also been identified as the most economically segregated with the only shrinking African American population for a large urban city. During the pandemic, Austin experiences significant racial disparities in COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, and deaths throughout 2020, which is in direct relation to racial disparities in health, education, and income. These contrasts speak to the limited prosperity and opportunity experienced for many communities of color.

Background. After the shooting death of David Joseph, a 17-year-old African American youth in 2016, community activists spoke out against police violence and demanded law enforcement reform in our region. Along with police reform, Austin Mayor Steve Adler understood the need for a comprehensive approach to confront the legacy of racism as a critical predictor of disparities in health, quality of life, opportunity, education, and access for generations. Initially, Mayor Adler invited Huston-Tillotson University President, Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette, and then Austin ISD Superintendent, Dr. Paul Cruz to co-chair the Task Force on Institutional Racism & Systemic Inequities (IRSI) to recommend strategies to dismantle systemic racism and inequities. In the years since, hundreds of people collaborated to identify and prioritize 278 recommendations in education, health and wellness, criminal and civil justice, real estate and housing, and finance and banking. One of the recommendations focused on the formation of the Central Texas Collaborative for Racial Equity (CTCRE), a nonprofit association created to continue the work beyond the initial set of identified strategies.
More recently, the horrific murder of George Floyd and the shooting death of Mike Ramos have refocused our attention on the legacy of institutional racism. Out of these troubling experiences, the new CTCRE is celebrating and exploring community-based ideas to be implemented right here in Central Texas. Ideas include creating an Action Center for Educational Equity & Racial Justice and Center for Financial Empowerment, adopting a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach, increasing affordable housing in high opportunity areas, and implementing comprehensive policing reform measures. The Collective is also uniquely positioned to engage community leaders in the ongoing dialogue about atonement, reconciliation, and reparations for racial injustice as it is directly related to our commitment to truth, racial healing, and transformation.
After nearly four years, we continue to build on the work of community leaders and the Task Force members for a beloved, more transformational and inclusive community. As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. inspires us: “Our goal is to create a beloved community and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives.” Part of the goal involves cementing our involvement in the national racial equity dialogue as well as strengthen our regional commitment, unite people, offer credible solutions, and instigate lasting change.
Please join us to build a peaceful, just, equitable, and thriving beloved community. Become a corporate investor with your contribution to the Beloved Community Campaign through a corporate, organizational, or individual tax-deductible contribution. Please review the sponsorship levels and make your commitment today!
2021 Beloved Community Capital Sponsor:
$25,000.00 - Highest level of corporate sponsorship
- 2 tables to annual awards
- Advanced logo placement in all CTCRE activities
- Advanced weekly newsletter promotion
- Primary logo placement on webinars, website, social media, special events, CTCRE t-shirts and all printed materials
- Premier logo inclusion in annual report
- Access to job fairs
- 4 monthly luncheon passess per month
- Access to member discounts
- Promotion on social media
- Access to newsletter advertising
2021 Beloved Community Corporate Sponsor:
$15,000.00 - Leading the way
- 1 table to annual awards
- Advanced weekly newsletter promotion
- Primary logo placement on webinars, website, social media, special events, CTCRE t-shirts, and all printed materials
- Secondary logo inclusion in annual report
- Access to job fairs
- 4 monthly luncheon passess per month
- Access to member discounts
- Promotion on social media
- Access to newsletter advertising
2021 Beloved Community Legacy Sponsor:
$10,000.00 - Supporting our monthly program events
- All the benefits of a business membership
- Named program sponsor at all monthly luncheons, webinars and happy hour events
- Access to host one premiere sponsored, fully-branded and promoted program event annually
- Logo placement on CTCRE website as Program Sponsor
- Recognition in weekly CTCRE newsletter
- Premier logo inclusion in annual report
- Acknowledgment on CTCRE T-shirts
- Access to member discounts
- Promotion on social media
2021 Beloved Community Co-Conspirator Sponsor:
$5,000.00 - Support our monthly committee events
- All the benefits of a Business Membership
- Named sponsor for all CTCRE events and webinars
- Access to host on premiere sponsored, fully-branded and promoted program event annually
- Logo placement on CTCRE website as a Community Sponsor
- Recognition in weekly newsletter
- Logo inclusion in annual report
- Access to member discounts
- Promotion on social media
- Acknowledgment on CTCRE T-shirts
- Access to newsletter advertising
The Central Texas Collective for Racial Equity would like to honor our community investors, corporate partners and sponsors, for their support in fulfilling the Collective’s mission. We work together with you and/or your company to create a customized package to suit your sponsorship needs. Talk to us about Sponsorships that fit your brand identity. For more information on corporate investment opportunities, contact us. We look forward to helping you support racial equity, healing, and transformation in your community and business!